
Living at Stanford

I've spent the past few months with a fascination surrounding "living at Stanford." That is, what is it actually like to live on the campus that I've dreamed* about for the past 15 years? Part of this obsession includes talking to Stanford students, and asking the same questions over and over again: "is Stanford really a bubble," "Do you find yourself off campus," etc. While I like gathering data, I also think that these questions are, in a way, self-fulfilling. What follows is a list of all the things I hope to do / think I'll do at Stanford during my freshman year. I'll check off items as I complete them!

Decorate Dorm Room

I have a bunch of fun ideas here, but the main goal is to play around with Stanford's cardinal red. What pieces can work off of that? What colors can compliment it?

Visit Every Building

The goal here is fairly simple: see every building on campus. Buildings are located on this map. Artful photography isn't the point, luckily. I need to be within 100m of the building for it to count.

Catalogue Stanford Design

I want to create a sort of catalogue of all the different ways that the Stanford brand is used in on-campus promotion. This can include the seal on campus buildings, brochures following Stanford's identity guide, etc. Checks off once I feel that I have amassed a significant collection.


  1. After class means weekends don't count! ↩

  2. This is kind of subjective. ↩