
Sending to Kobo, from Matter, via Kindle

I recently pre-ordered the Kobo Libra Color, and am breathlessly awaiting it's (supposed) arrival on the 30th. As a part of this, I've been looking more into options for sending articles to my Kobo. Their (apparently) open system is supposed to allow much more customization, and that's a big part of the reason I'm switching away from my current Kindle Oasis.

However, it also means leaving behind integrations I'm quite happy with. Matter, an app I use to save articles, has a great integration with Amazon's "send to kindle" feature, that (sadly) doesn't seem to work with any other eReaders. I also can't figure out how to export the versions of books that matter generates anywhere else. So, I hatched a plan: get my own email, and simply proxy their "send to email" requests to my Kobo. Here's how that's going so far:

Problem 1: Matter and Email Parsing

Annoyingly, Matter prevents you from entering any emails not from into their app. They also don't tell you why on the frontend, but when you look into the requests made to the /api/integrations/kindle_accounts endpoint, you'll see an error when entering an invalid email. However, how good is their parsing really. After a bunch of attempts that involved and various subdomains, I tried It worked.

In other news, I am now the proud owner of

Problem 2: Matter and Email Sending

Of course it wasn't that simple.

Although matter let me input my new email into their website, none of their "send to kindle" emails were making it through. I suspect it's because rather than sending an actual email, Matter uses some sort of Amazon API to deliver the content "from" the appropriate email address. They could also just be checking domains again on the backend. Who knows. Either way, a waste of $5.

With that idea back to the drawing board…

This is a developing note.